Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Rum Runners - A History of Rum

Let's set out in search for treasure

Ahoy there Matees! I’d be the captain of this here voyage. I’d be searchin for the most valued treasure to ever cross the seven seas. Legend has it, there is a treasure that was once adored by the gods.  Unbeknownst to them, man, the most vily of creatures, had discovered it and wanted this treasure for themselves.  These men, each stronger and more vile than the last, in the dead of night, stole the treasure out from under them and made way with it into the night.

Upon reaching open waters, these men stood upon the marvel in complete astonishment. However, they knew that in order to claim the treasure for their own, they would have to eliminate one another. Each one drew their blade and began hacking away at one another. All through the night, one by one, each fiend fell to the blade of another until only one remained. Feeling the relief of surviving the deadly onslaught and avoiding the gods’ wrath, the demon began to boast in his triumph.

 However, suddenly, out of know where a bolt of lightning shot out from the sky and struck the vessel. Upon surfacing from the dark depths of the sea, his eyes gazed upon a dark figure slowing descending from the clouds. It happened to be one of the gods in which he and the others had stolen their great treasure from. The deity slowly raised his hand, with his cold, moonless night eyes gazed upon the man, and with one large swipe, summoned a monstrous wave that quickly consumed the fiend and all that surrounded him.

Now, some say that very treasure was lost at sea where the ship sank. There are those who believe that the gods acquired their beloved treasure and have hidden it far above the world. Some even that the tidal wave struck the treasure with such great force that it split the treasure in into pieces and scattered to the farthest corners of the world. I, however, believe me treasure to be hidden in the farthest corners of the Caribbean. For I know what it is that I intend to find and discover its many wonders. The greatest treasure that exists at the heart of the Caribbean is none other than Rum!

Instead of jumping right into mixed drinks involving Rum, it’s important to understand its origins. With an understanding on what exactly is, it’s possible to have a more enriching experience in seeking new or current combinations involving the spirit.

Rum is a distilled alcoholic beverage that is made through sugarcane byproducts such as molasses. Rum can also be made directly, through fermentation and distillation, from sugarcane juices. Most of the world’s rum is produced in the Caribbean and Latin America.

There are seven distinct grades of rum that exist in the industry. These grades are as follows:
  • Light Rum
  • Gold Rum
  • Dark Rum
  • Spiced Rum
  • Flavored Rum
  • Overproof Rum
  • Premium Rum

Each grade will be discussed as it is used in future concoctions. Rum can be used in cooking and baking as well.
The 7 rums of the world

Some popular drinks that involve Rum include: Mojitos, Piña Coladas, and Daiquiris. Each can be simply be made with the appropriate mixer and with the addition of your choice of rum. In the next few segments, we will explore the vast qualities of rum-based mixed drinks. We will explore as many as possible until this bsea captain will starting saying, “Whys the rum gone?” 

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