Sunday, January 27, 2013

Welcome to Mixing for your mixers!

Welcome everyone to “Mixers for your Mixer.”  Alcoholic beverages have been staples in social events since the first barrel of ale. As a consumer of alcoholic beverages, with having a dream of mine being a coinsurer, I have always been in search for new and creative mixed drinks. Starting from the age of 21, I’ve experienced a great variety of spirits across many brands. My experiences have ranged from the east coast to as far as the Caribbean islands.

The goal of this blog is not to encourage under-aged drinking, excessive alcohol intake, partying, etc., etc. The goal of this blog, however, is to enlighten its readers how to properly mix mixed drinks, the experiences that accompany the cocktail (such things as taste, techniques used to obtain a high quality mixtures, proper measurements, etc., etc.) in its entirety, and to develop new and innovative mixed drink recipes.

For the sake of legal purposes, I am of age to be consuming alcoholic beverages. I’m a Business Administration major, with my concentration being in Information Systems and minors being in Accounting and Communications. I recently have launched a podcast program entitled “The Corner” under the Pioneer Student Newspaper (first official podcast program ever on the Catawba College).  Happy mixing!

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