Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Jager Monster Shot

An addition to any speedy recovery

Welcome fellow mixers to another post of the Mixers for your mixers! Today we continue on journey with the liquor Jagermeister. We’ll focus on an all-time favorite recipe. This Jager mixer is known as the “Jager Monster Shot”. Even though the word Monster is thorn into it, it does not refer to the energy we know as Monster. If fact, there is no energy drink element in to this shot at all. The following is a list of needed 
ingredients to create this very tasteful shot:
Orange Juice
Grenadine Syrup

Step #1;
Pour 1 ½ of Jagermeister, 1 oz. Orange Juice and a splash of grenadine syrup with ice in to a shaker.

Step #2:
Strain the mixture in to a shot glass.

Step #3:

Now, let’s discuss the details of this fine mixer. To my surprising, this drink was very delicious. Not only was the smooth rich texture present in this shot, but the flavor as well was rich. I would have normally by-passed this drink because of the common association of having Orange Juice being more of a breakfast commodity but, considering it served as a mixer for the alcohol. I recommend this drink as a recovery or “hair of the dog” for the following day. Well, I hope you enjoyed this week’s drink. Just below is a hint to our next special Jager concoction. Until next toe mixers…Happy Mixing!

This stranger is not too far from home!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good shot even though I'm not a huge fan of Jager. I'll have to give it a try.
