Monday, April 15, 2013

A small detour - The Greyhound

Off to the bars!!

Welcome back my fellow mixers to Mixers for your mixer! I know that the current theme for the last few mixers has been involving Jagermeister. However, I had a reader mention a different drink that involves Vodka. This will only be small detour on our journey through Jagermeitster So without further ado...I present to you all the “Greyhound” For this simple mixer, you will need the following ingredients:

Grapefuit Juice
Vodka (your preference…for myself, I’ll go with Smirnoff Blue Label)

Step #1:
Start off by pouring 2 oz. of your preferred vodka in to a highball glass with a few ice cubes

Step #2:
Pour 5 oz. of grapefruit juice into the highball glass

Step #3:
Stir well and ENJOY!!

This was a very interesting recipe to come across.  I thought as first that this drink would be little “funky” in terms of taste. However, I was proven quite wrong! Even though there is a minor bitterness to it, this unique drink is very enjoyable. This would definitely be a drink I would recommend having one of in the event of a hangover.  However, I would use a lest potent vodka In addition, the grapefruit adds a more nutritional value to the drink. I would like to give a shout out to Otter Feathers for the suggestion. That’s all I have for you now mixers! Until next time…HAPPY MIXING!


  1. Ah too kind sir! Thanks so much! Now i want to try it even more..great. Hahah, but it sounds pretty wonderful. Also nice caption on the picture, haha genius. Thanks a lot sir, again!
