Monday, February 4, 2013

Rum Runner - Caribou Lou

Welcome back happy mixers. Today we're going to take a look into a rum based drink known as Caribou Lou. Caribou Lou is a

Highball class drink, meaning that its a mixed-drink that composed of an alcoholic base spirit (liquor) and a larger portion being contributed from a non-alcoholic drink. Caribou Lou is best known form it's musical counterpart  of the same name "Caribou Lou", a song made famous by the mid-west Hip-Hop/Rap artist Tech N9n3. Although the difference being the amount of 151 that is to be placed into the concoction.

So let's get started!!


Barcardi 151 Rum (Overproof Rum)
Malibu Caribou Coconut Rum (Flavored Rum)
Dole Pineapple Juice(Non-Alcoholic Mixer)

Sweet but, strong combination

Step 1:

Begin by pouring 1 oz. of Barcardi 151 rum. *WARNING: Barcardi 151 is very flammable. It's an overproof rum. It's 75.5% alcohol. Any liquor with a alcohol content 60% and over is considered flammable. Please pour this liquor away from any open flames or heat sources.

Step 2: Pour 1 1/2 oz. of Malibu Coconut Rum into your glass.

Step 3: Pour 1 1/2 6 oz. cans of Pineapple Juice

Step 4: Serve mixture with ice for a more refreshing taste

When finished, Caribou Lou makes for a smooth and mild tropical drink. The 151 helps in balancing the sweet taste of pineapple juice. It also works in combination with the Malibu Coconut Rum to produce the mild tropical taste.

There are few ways to enhance your tasting experience with this drink. One way is to add a few pieces of pineapple chunks. A real good enhancement is to use Appleton Jamaican Rum (Gold Rum) as an alternate to Barcardi 151. It further enriches the coconut/pineapple sensation you experience. I strongly recommend this drink for your next tropical/beach-themed events. Drink responsible and Happy Mixing!!

Here a link to Tech N9ne's track "Caribou Lou":


  1. I really enjoyed reading your blog. It is really easy to follow and it had me thirsty by step 2! Not to mention the Tech N9ne track was a nice touch. I look forward to the other blogs you write. It makes me want to practice my bar-tending skills!

  2. This drink sounds delicious! I also love that there is song to go along with it (: awesome touch.

  3. Thank you Brandi and Kate for stopping by. I'm glad you enjoyed the drink recipe!

  4. Try canned pineapple too. It makes the drink really rich. Costs a bit more though. You'd like it a bit. Enjoying your drinks and history info.
