Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Cranberry and Vodka

Welcome back fellow mixers to Mixers for your Mixers! For today's delicious drink, we will visit the simple mixture of Cranberry and Vodka. This simple yet delicious cocktail is usually famous for being consumed by women during "that" time of the month and for the low calories that it has. Another name for this mixture is a Cape Cod (when garnished to a lime).

For this mixed drink you need the following ingredients:

1 oz. of your favorite vodka (for me....Smirnoff Blue Label)
4oz of OceanSpray (or preferred brand) Cranberry juice
1 Lime (optional)

Step #1:
Pour 1 oz. of vodka into a glass filled with a few cubes of ice.

Step #2:
Mix in 4 oz. of cranberry juice

Step #3 (optional):
Place a small wedge of lime on the small rim of the glass to add a little decal to your drink

After mixing the proper ingredients together, you wind up a great addition to any mixer. Once you get a taste of it, you'll experience a great beverage that is memorable yet semi-sweet. This cocktail suitable for those who prefer a solid drink of liquor and those who prefer a fruity drinks. A great addition to this mixed would be to add a cranberry-flavored 7-UP soda twist into this. You simply split the amount of cranberry juice and then add the difference with the 7-UP. It helps put a little extra zing to the mixture. I hope that this post helps you all with your mixer needs. Until next time, HAPPY MIXING!


  1. i Have to admit..i'm a very Straight guy and kinda' like this... However! Haha, my sister tells me to try a "Greyhound" (vodka and grapefruit juice?!) and this sounds a lot better to me.. Have you tried this, and if so what do you think? Thanks, just curious! Great post.

    1. Thank very much for your comment Otter! I haven't had a "Greyhound" before but it sounds like it would make a great drink. I would love to give it a try and write a post on it. Thanks again for your comment!
