Wednesday, April 10, 2013

An out of this world mixer!

Even aliens can enjoy mixers!

Welcome back my fellow mixers to another post of Mixers for your Mixer! Last time, I gave you all a little hint as to what the next mixer was going to be. Were you able to figure out what is was. Well it’s finally here. Straight from another world, I give you the Jager shit mixer “A Little Green Man from Mars.”

The following is the list of ingredients needed for this mixer:

1 mint green Maraschino cherry
½ oz Jagermeister herbal liqueur
½ oz Rumple Minze Peppermint liquer

Let’s Go!

Step #1:
Start by removing the stem from the mint green maraschino cherry. Place the cherry into a large shot glass.

Step #2:
Pour in the Jagermeister herbal liqueur and Rumple Minze Peppermnint Liqueur into the shot glass

Step #3:
Serve and Enjoy!

This shot was very interesting to say the least. The refreshing mint taste of Rumple Minze adds to already delicious licorice flavor that the Jagermeister already provides. Even the mint green maraschino cherry adds a little twist to the shot. I have no preference nor care as to having the cherry in it or not. This  refreshing mixer is definitely not one to pass up in my books and I look forward to enjoying more of this out of world shot. I would like to thank you all for reading this post. Until next time, HAPPY MIXING!!

Below you can see a clue to the next drink that is going to be posted. Can you can what this tasty recipe is? ‘Til next time. Later!
A firetrucks relation to mixers?