Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The German Blitzkrieg - Jagermeister

Welcome back my followers to another exciting issue of Mixers for your mixer! This week we are temporarily shifting gears from Whiskey moving to a very unique and interesting liquor. Today we’ll take a look into Jagermeister.
Jagermesiter...hmmm delicious

A Brief History

Jagermeister, or better known as Jager, can find its roots across the Atlantic Ocean in Wolfenbuttel, Germany. The history itself starts with Curt Mast.  Curt Mast was a hunting enthusiast. He was the original distiller of Jagermeister. This wondrous liquor was originally developed to be used as a digestif and as a cough remedy.  A digestif is a strong alcoholic drink that is usually served after a meal. The belief is that it helps in the digestion process.
Jager’s Composition

Jager is a type of liqueur called Krauterlikor (meaning herbal liqeur).  In total, there are 56 herbs, fruits, roots, and spices. Some of these ingredients include the following:
  • Citrus Peel
  • Licorice
  • Anise
  • Poppy Seeds
  • Saffron
  • Ginger
  • Juniper Berries
  • Ginseng

Distillation Process

The ingredients contained in Jagermeister are first grounded. Then the grounded mix is then mixed into a container full of water and alcohol from a range of 2 to 3 days. After this time, this mixture is filtered and stored in oak barrels for about a year. When the year has passed, the liqueur is filtered again. After this second filtration process, the mixture is further mixed with sugar, caramel, alcohol, and water. This new mixture is filtered for a third and final time before it is finally bottled.

On a side note, the producer recommends that the liqueur be kept on ice and served cold.  Also, there have been rumors that this spirit contains deer or elk blood in it. However, it’s been proven that it doesn’t. I’m looking forward to creating numerous drinks and sending my taste buds a on a wild and crazy adventure! For my next drink, use the photo below to predict what I have in store for you in the next post. Until next time mixers, Happy Mixing!!

What possible mixed drink could I possibly be coming up with next?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Everyone still getting pickled!

Welcome back my fellow readers to another issue of Mixers for your Mixer! As you may know, the last drink was centered around pickles and a drink called "Getting Pickled". My curiosity got the best and I decided to begin my quest on to find more mixed-drinks that involve pickled juice in some way. After some researching, I came across a similar recipe for it called a Pickletini.

A Pickletini takes a pickled twist on a old-time classic mixer. Try to think of this drink as a martini but with pickle juice alongside of the vodka instead.

Now let's get our mixin started!

The following is a list of ingredients for this mixer:

3 oz. Vodka (I prefer Smiroff or Grey Goose)
2 oz. Pickle Juice
Ice (Crushed)

Step #1;
Place ice into a martini shaker

Step #2:
Pour the Vodka and Pickle Juice in to the shaker. Shake repeatedly several times.

Step #3:
Pour content into a martini glass. Garnish with a dill pickle.

This is a unique drink in every way you can think. Depending on the vodka that is used, this drink can either be smooth or harsh (not too bad). In my opinion, this is one of those that you need to try just experience something new. In that light, I highly recommend to you to at least give this drink a try. Stay tuned for more mixed-drinks coming your way. Next time, we will be taking a look into Jagermeister, the mad bomber of liquor.  Until next, Happy Mixing!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Did someone just get pickled?

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Mixers for you Mixer! Spring Break has come and gone for now, and now is the time to fill you all in on some of the most interesting mix drinks I was able to try while on break. As a sports fan, its only natural to visit a sports bar of some kind during a sporting event. During a hockey game this past week, I decided to meet a few friends at the local Hooter's of Lake Norman, NC. After about a period of play, we decided to start ordering a few drinks. Looking through their mixed-drink menu, I came across shooter that was called "Getting Pickled". At first, I thought this was a some kind of joke, but after asking around, it apparently was real. Considering that whiskey is the drink of the week and kind of a new drink to me, I though I would give it a try.

"Getting Pickled" is a simple shooter that consists of the following ingredients:
Jameson Irish Whiskey
Pickle Juice

Step #1:
Pour a double-shot of Jameson Irish Whiskey into a small glass

A true Irish whiskey

Step #2;
In a separate glass, pour 3 oz. of pickle juice into it.

Just what I like to chase liquor with

From my experience, the Jameson whiskey has such a smooth texture and flavor, it seems a little much to chase it with pickle juice, but it is part of the drink mix. I'm looking forward to finding more interesting mixers out there. Below you can find a small video on Jameson Irish whiskey. Until next mixers, Happy Mixing!