Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Everyone still getting pickled!

Welcome back my fellow readers to another issue of Mixers for your Mixer! As you may know, the last drink was centered around pickles and a drink called "Getting Pickled". My curiosity got the best and I decided to begin my quest on to find more mixed-drinks that involve pickled juice in some way. After some researching, I came across a similar recipe for it called a Pickletini.

A Pickletini takes a pickled twist on a old-time classic mixer. Try to think of this drink as a martini but with pickle juice alongside of the vodka instead.

Now let's get our mixin started!

The following is a list of ingredients for this mixer:

3 oz. Vodka (I prefer Smiroff or Grey Goose)
2 oz. Pickle Juice
Ice (Crushed)

Step #1;
Place ice into a martini shaker

Step #2:
Pour the Vodka and Pickle Juice in to the shaker. Shake repeatedly several times.

Step #3:
Pour content into a martini glass. Garnish with a dill pickle.

This is a unique drink in every way you can think. Depending on the vodka that is used, this drink can either be smooth or harsh (not too bad). In my opinion, this is one of those that you need to try just experience something new. In that light, I highly recommend to you to at least give this drink a try. Stay tuned for more mixed-drinks coming your way. Next time, we will be taking a look into Jagermeister, the mad bomber of liquor.  Until next, Happy Mixing!

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